2024 ASHLAND 2411E
Pull Scrapers
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Seller Information
Red Bull Equipment Ltd
Contact:Louis Gibbings
Phone:+44 1769 581222
Chulmleigh, United Kingdom EX18 7JW
Production Cycles25.57 Average haul road speeds (KPH)75 Loading and unloading times in seconds (Average)1000 Total distance of travel in metres (Round trip)90% Load factor efficiency90% Availability FactorOperating Results16.51 Cubic metres per cycle3.60 Cycle time in minutes16.69 Cycles per hour248.0 Cubic metres per tach hour446,430 Cubic metres per yearProduction - times can vary based on the materials and conditionsThe production cycles were recorded in Iport, Doncaster by Williams Plant HireTHE 2411E UNDER 12FT. ROAD TRANSPORTThe 2411E is the smallest model available in the large format next generation scraper. This unit has the same genetic DNA as the larger models in a 24 cu.yd. format. – it was built by engineers and skilled craftsman who have spent their lives working in the dirt searching for solutions to allow you to Do More. The 2411E is ideal for customers who work in high density areas where trucking over width loads is very costly. The 2411E is under 12ft. road transport reducing your mobilization cost from costly escorts or permits.CAPACITY, HEAPED: (ISO 6485) 24.8 CU. YD.CAPACITY STRUCK: (ISO 6485) 15.7 CU. YD.REQUIRED HP: 450+WIDTH OF CUT: 132.25”APRON CLEARANCE: 74.25”DEPTH OF CUT: 7.61”DEPTH OF SPREAD: 0 – 24.69”GROUND CLEARANCE AT BLADE: 24.69”PUSHOFF CYLINDER (1): 5.5” X 54.5”APRON CYLINDER (2): 5” X 22”LIFT CYLINDER (2): 6” X 24.5”TIRES: (STD. REAR (4) 23.5 X 25 RADIALOVERALL WIDTH: 11′ 11-3/8”OVERALL LENGTH: 30′ 6-1/2″ (W/O PUSHBAR OR HITCH)ADD 12″ FOR PUSHBAR – ADD 9.5″ FOR QUICK HITCH 9.5″OVERALL HEIGHT: 111”WEIGHT: 29,500 LBS.**WEIGHT TRANSFER 22.5% TRACTOR – 77.5% SCRAPERLIGHTING SYSTEM: STANDARDLASER/GPS BRACKET: STANDARDTANDEM CONFIGURATION: OPTIONALPUSHBAR EXTENSION: OPTIONAL